How We Can Help You

It is your child's right to be provided a free and appropriate public education under federal and New York state law.
As experienced practitioners, we understand the challenges facing parents today. Finding the proper services and accommodations can make a difference. Often, schools do not understand themselves how to meet the challenges our children face.
Here are some questions you may want to ask yourself when making a determination as to whether your child needs more assistance at school. If the answer to any of the following questions is yes, we may be able to help:
Is your child being promoted while your child's scores on the New York state tests show little to no growth or regression in the major subject areas?
Has the school been suspending your child without evaluating your child for special education services?
Is your child spending too much time on homework?
Has the school taken into account all of your child's needs when fashioning an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) for your child?
Is your child functioning on grade level in academics but otherwise far behind socially and/or behaviorally?
Has the school accomodated your child's physical limitations, including life-threatening allergies or physical needs, through an IEP or Section 504 plan?